Welcome to, fellow virtual traveller. I am Alex but you can call me MrImmiFIRE a 30-something DINK, who moved to Australia in search for a better life. This page here is my personal journal, a place I track the progress of my family dream to reach financial independence and retire early-to-mid 50s with a passive income generated by our investments. In short, this is our FIRE and will do my best to make it all available for you to follow.

Romania thought us how to adapt in all circumstances, like living in a HCOL country as Australia. We do know how to live within our means but sometime indulge in life`s pleasures. There are many misconceptions about what living within your means actually means. Simply put though, you must not spend more money than you earn which means if you spend less or equal to the amount of money you make each month from your job and other sources of income, you’re good.
We almost paid off our PPOR home (primary place of residence for when we will go back) and we may consider, if all goes well, taking the “Investment Property” path too, here in Australia. We own a large-enough emergency fund (which will continue to be “fatten up”) and have decided to bite the bullet and create our investing portfolio and start the investing journey, aside from growing the superannuation retirement accounts.

When most people think of young people these days retiring early, they think of people living a simple life with minimal expenses, just looking to avoid working. That’s not us. We’re not just looking for a frugal retirement – we want to make the most of life and world. If you’ve heard about the FIRE movement (Financial Independence, Retire Early) within the personal finance world, then you need to know we aim for the “FatFIRE” status. We won’t be cutting back our expenses and lifestyle (or at least hope that), in fact our expenses in retirement will go up compared to what they currently are! We need a big asset base to produce a large and sustainable passive income. It’s not a walk in the park to make this a reality, I`ll tell you that, but with a good plan and a great investment portfolio, that`s doable. Take a look at my first post to see more of what we’re about and what we’re aiming to do. Another great place to start is looking at our progress towards early retirement where we track our income and expenses, as well track our net wealth.

If you’re looking for ways to understand market trend charts, you’re at the wrong place. There are others that go into these details and they actually do an awesome job of it, but that’s not me. I am your average (IT) Joe guy with no finance background nor economics degree (as a matter of fact, I used to hate anything money related because I was not able to properly understand the concepts). This page is all about our practical personal finance ideas, hints, opinions and hacks. All with a twist as we have the immigrant status and this may have an impact on the long run plan.

We all know schools are great for so many reasons, but financially preparing for the adult life, that’s the one that got away so if you love the content and feel like it brings value to your life, feel free to subscribe to get notifications of my latest articles or even follow me on your social media platform of choice. Have questions or suggestions, go ahead and contact me or comment on the articles you like.

I really appreciate your support and hope you can visit me again soon!


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